How much time should social media marketing take me?

This is strongly dependent on your brand and where else you’re marketing. One thing that we will say, though, is brands often underestimate how long it takes to create a successful social media marketing campaign. Our team puts multiple hours in per week to create graphics, write content, engage with other brands, and stay on top of the most recent trends.

How does a website increase sales?

The primary way a website increases sales is by offering users a convenient way to shop for products and services. Through the use of pop-ups offers and special online discounts, small businesses can encourage consumers to make the switch from window-shopping to buying.With an enhanced incentive to buy, along with clear and concise product descriptions, users are quickly turning to company websites for all their consumer needs.

What is business digital marketing?

Digital marketing consists of many different types of marketing strategies, but the spectrum of services consists of website design and development, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, and content marketing strategies like blog writing, video marketing, and email marketing. Even within the above strategies are subsets of the different types of digital marketing.

Why do I need digital marketing for my business?

Promoting of your website via other digital marketing channels is important to set your business apart and give you every opportunity to attract a new visitor, which will hopefully turn into a customer.

What type of support do you provide my business on your products or services?

All of our products and services come with personalized support from our amazing team. We pride ourselves on providing the best customer service possible and making sure that we are available 24/7 for your support.We are strong advocates of reporting transparency, which is why we have invested in a state-of-the-art dashboard* that provides you with robust reporting on your campaigns at all times.

How can we help?