How B2B Email Marketing Can Turn Leads Into Sales
Writing prospecting emails that earn real engagement
Did you know? On average, spending $1 on email marketing will earn you more than $43 in return—if you get it right.
One of the most critical aspects of a successful B2B email marketing strategy is writing prospecting emails that grab attention and get results. Here are some ways you can drive real engagement through your prospecting email communications.
Understand your prospect
Prospecting emails should be personalized and targeted. A generic email sent to dozens or hundreds of B2B prospects isn’t likely to get the kind of response you are hoping for, or deserve. No matter how similar the titles of different prospects sound, they are not identical brands (or, indeed, people). As such, each B2B prospecting email requires a different approach.
Take the time to learn a little bit about who you are approaching. What does each prospect care about the most? One may be focused on driving sales, while another is trying to increase revenue and visibility.
You can gain a lot of information about what matters to a prospect by doing a search on LinkedIn. Start by looking at particular job titles and considering what that type of job entails.
From LinkedIn profiles of a particular job title, you may be able to learn more about responsibilities, goals and priorities. Drill down into individual profiles, and try to identify pain points that you can target. What solutions can you offer to someone who is trying to increase their visibility? Is it the same solution as someone who is focused on driving sales? Take the time to understand your prospect’s pain points from the offset and you will create a B2B email that is clear, valuable, and tailored to the recipients’ specific needs.
Speak your prospects’ language
Browsing LinkedIn profiles can give you a lot of information about a particular industry. It can also be helpful to study a company’s website and online conversations to find out what topic they are most often talking about and what language they use.
Spend some time reviewing websites of job leads to get a clearer idea of what a particular job title entails, and where this type of role fits into a particular organization.
Listen to social media conversations involving a person you are planning to approach. Does your prospect address people in conversational tones or choose more formal or technical-sounding words? What keywords are likely to catch a particular prospect’s attention?
The more you study prospects and how they interact with others, the more you start to grasp who different prospects are and how you can offer solutions to relieve their pain points, challenges or struggles. With this type of detailed information, there is no chance that your emails will be generic.
Have a clear call to action
Instead of trying to sell something in your email, your goal is simply to gain the prospect’s trust and interest. One way to conclude your email is to direct them to a relevant blog post. Ask them if they could read the post and let you know their thoughts.
This is in no way pushy. Ideally, the post you send them will include information demonstrating your ability to get results.
Another call to action (CTA) would be to ask them if they have tried a particular marketing strategy, and suggest that they read a post which offers more information about this different approach.
Suggesting they look into more information is not likely to threaten them, especially if you have taken the time to get to know them and what they might be looking for or need.
In your warm and friendly email, you’ve demonstrated that you have a shared interest in their industry and have information that may be helpful to them.
By : Vayxi